One of the tough aspects of being given a diagnosis with PSC is the unknown path it is going to take us on. There are no absolutes but hear about patterns and trends being seen that give us clues to individual prognosis. Dr. Lynch completed her Ph.D. titled “Peripheral Blood, Liver, and Intestine-specific Lymphocytes in Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis and Inflammatory Bowel Disease” while in the UK and worked with our friends at PSC Support UK. She is currently the Head of IBD services at Royal Adelaide Hospital and is actively involved in research of immune cells derived from the peripheral blood, gut and liver in patients with PSC/IBD. We are excited to have her back home in Australia and talking with us.

One thought on “Determining Prognosis in PSC (Dr. Kate Lynch)

  1. Faye Simone says:

    Wonderful informative presentation. Thank you

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